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Powr-Flite Auto Detailing Carpet Extractor with Heater - 10 Gallon, 100 PSI

Powr-Flite Auto Detailing Carpet Extractor with Heater - 10 Gallon, 100 PSI

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Designed specifically for the full-service car wash and mobile detailer, the Powr-Flite PFX1080CW Carpet Extractor has the power to perform and provide the results every car wash professional expects! All models feature waist-high controls, handle-mounted transport wheels for easy loading and unloading, and large 10" stair climbing wheels for added mobility. All Powr-Flite CW Carpet Extractors include a 20' solution/vacuum hose with a detailer hand tool and feature an in-line heater to blast out food and pet stains plus grease and oil. With power and pressure choices, the Powr-Flite CW Carpet Extractors are the professional's choice for automotive upholstery cleaning and detailing. Hand tool included.



  • 100 p.s.i. model features a single, 3-stage vac motor, 1200 watt heater, 20' solution/vacuum hose, and detailer hand tool
  • Mid-size (10 gal.) platforms designed for the mobile detailer and full-service car wash
  • 1 power cord required

Item# PFX1080CW

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